Dräger UCF® 9000 Thermal Imaging Camera, 9cm LCD Display, IP67, High temperature Resistant
In addition to standard mode:
‒ Fire(firefighting)
‒ Persons(search and rescue)
‒ Thermal Scan(searching for hotspots)
‒ Outdoors(searching for persons outside)
‒ Hazardous Goods(leak detection and level indicators) ‒ ScanPLUS(searching for heat sources–in real image) ‒ NormalImage(video camera)
‒ User-defined 1
Additional advantages
‒ intuitiveoperation:easyandsafehandlingevenunderroughconditions ‒ displaybrightnessadjustsautomaticallytoenvironment
‒ easy-to-readstatusinformation
‒ modern lithium onbatteriesprovideapprox.fourhoursoperatingtime ‒ automatic stand-by for longer battery life
‒ different attachment options(e.g.neck strap or retractable lanyard)
‒ wide range of accessories(e.g.transport case,vehicle installation kit,tripods,etc.)
Data Sheet: