Solar Panel Installation – 4 Panels (Includes Mounting Panel on Standard Roof, Installing Solar Cables, Mini DB Board, Circuit Breakers, Earth Leakage and Surge Protection)

R9,900.35 (Incl. VAT)



New mini DB Board for the inverter power, complete with its own separate main switch, earth leakage, circuit breakers, and internal wiring. 4
Labour only to install and connect 8 x new solar panels that will be supplied by WCCTV onto the roof. sum
Labour only to install and connect the new solar cables that will be supplied by WCCTV (from the roof to the new inverter of unit 12.) 12
Supply and install new 32 mm diameter conduits in the roof to suit (per linear meter). sum
Labour to install and connect the new solar combiner box for the new solar cables (all materials to be supplied by WCCTV). 1
New PVC trunking 100mm x 40mm (per length) supply and install. sum
Labour to connect all the above-mentioned new items to the new inverter. sum
Labour only to install and connect the new double pole DC surge protection (between the new solar panels and the new inverter). sum
Supply and install a new earthing system with 16 mm insulated green earth cable and earth spike for the new solar panels and metallic frames/structure (from the roof to the ground) and a 20 mm PVC conduit. sum
Supervision, transport, and fuel. 1
Electrical COC for the new installation (for insurance purposes and required by regulations). 1
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