5.6kVA, 4.8kWh Inverter Installation | Includes Cables, Connectors, Earthing, Circuit Breakers, Trunking, Fuses, Surge Protection & Bypass Switch. (Typical Installation for single story house – A site visit is needed for an exact quotation)

R14,214.00 (Incl. VAT)

SKU: 5.6kVA, 4.8kWh Budgetary Installation Categories: , , ,


5.6kVA, 4.8kWh Solar Inverter Installation

Typical Installation for:

  • A single story house with a tiled roof
  • The distance from the solar panels to the inverter is 20m
  • The distance from the inverter to the DB board is 20m

A site visit is needed for an exact quotation


New single phase cable for connecting of the new inverter in the guard house (the new inverter is supplied by the client) Sum
Cable terminations to suit 4.00
By-pass switch single phase 6 terminals with enclosure (for in the event that the inverter becomes damaged or faulty and has to be removed from site). 1.00
DC battery cables x 2 (5 metrs red and 5 meters black) 35 mm insulated copper type (per meter) 6.00
Crimp on lugs for DC cables (8 for red cable and 8 for black cable). 10.00
Battery disconnector switch (double pole) with fuses 1.00
AC cable to DB board (per meter) 10.00
New mini DB Board for the inverter power, complete with it’s own separate main switch, earthleakage, circuit breakers and internal wiring 1.00
Tracing of existing two plug circuits and one existing lights circuit that need to be connected to the new inverter power DB Board 3.00
Fixings, screws, cable ties and accessories Sum
Trunkings PVC type 25 mm x 40 mm with covers (per meter). 3.00
Earth spike and earth cable (separate earthing system is required for alternative power supply) 1.00
Pilot lights and wiring for visual power indication on DB Board and at meter box (as per the regulations for alternative power installations) 2.00
Surge & lightning protection single phase double pole (to protect the new inverter) 1.00
Labels and danger signs. sum
Labour to install and connect all of the above mentioned new electrical items of cables, equipment and materials supplied by us, as well as labour to install and connect the new inverter that is supplied by the client. sum
Supervision, transport and fuel. 1.00
Electrical COC for the new installation (for insurance purposes and required by regulations) 1.00
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