Module 8 Input + 8 Output ethernet PoE
• Available in two versions: 4 Input + 4 Output or 8 Input + 8 Output.
• Monitoring and control of Input and Output.
• Mirroring: replication on input and/or output of a form of the state of input and/or output of another module with alarm signal in case of loss connection between the modules.
• Micro-PLC: simple programming of logical sequences.
• Network Monitor: network monitoring up to eight devices with signaling in the event of loss of connectivity.
• Calendar: ability to define the day, hour and minute of activation or shutdown of the output.
• Follow-input: one or more output following the status of the corresponding input.
• Sending email on event.
• DDNS client for your service DynDns.
• Custom commands: http sending commands to other devices.