Magnetic contact (two-way) with 2 inputs/outputs (wireless expansions)
- Defining this device as a magnetic contact is somewhat reductive. Besides providing two positions for the magnet, 90 degrees one from the other for device placement optimisation, the MC300 magnetic contact provides 2 terminals which can be configured individually as input or output terminals.
- Configuring the terminals as inputs provides standard zone management (NO, NC, Single Balancing; Double Balancing), and also allows direct connection of shock and roller blind detectors.
- Configuring the terminals as outputs grants access to a 50mA open-collector output.
- Alarms deriving from the magnetic contacts, and distinctly from the 2 terminals, will be signalled separately on the control panel. This device provides an option which allows you to change the “unused”magnetic contact (of the two present on the device) into a magnetic tamper protection. In this way, it will be capable detecting tamper attempts using magnets.
- This device is protected against dislodgement and open-cover tamper. MC300 is available in brown, black or white.